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Models 4007B and 4013B are versatile sweep function generators utilizing an advanced direct digital synthesis (DDS) design. These instruments generate sine, square, and triangle waveforms with high signal precision and stability. Both models provide variable output voltages from 0 to 10 Vpp into 50 ohms or up to 20 Vpp into open circuit, and a continuously variable DC offset to inject signals directly into circuits at the correct bias level.
◆ Sine, square, and triangle/ramp waveform generation
◆ Linear and logarithmic sweep
◆ Adjustable duty cycle
◆ Adjustable DC offset
◆ Store and recall up to 9 instrument settings
◆ Output On/Off button
◆ Overvoltage, overcurrent, and short circuit protection on main output
> 4013B, 12MHz DDS Sweep Function Generator, Signal Generator, 함수발생기, 파형발생기, 비엔케이, B&K Precision
> 판매처 : 제이시스템즈
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